Monday, January 11, 2016

Abstract Art With Kindergarten

We have been learning a lot of  art vocabulary. To help the little ones understand abstract art a little better we made our own abstract art.

We talked about painting with different materials, such as a cup, sponge and bubble wrap instead of a paintbrush.

We discussed using shapes (circles) and colors to make our abstract.

Class 1 (since I have them a whole hour) we drew circles with oil pastels and added circles with circle sponges and cup lids dipped in 6 different bright colors.

Class 2: using scrap painted paper we cut out different shapes (squares, triangles, circles and squares) and glued the on top of our first layer. Then student had a choice to paint the final layers with pink, purple or yellow bubble wrap.

They were so amazed at using cups, sponges and bubble wrap to paint. They always did the painting at one or two stations monitored by me.

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