Monday, January 11, 2016

Cake Slice Box

My ceramics major, which consist of a mix of 4th and 5th graders, created a cake slice which is also a small box. We began using a template, which they cut out and folded to resemble the triangular prism, or cake slice. Then next day the students cut the box template into the different sections to use as a guide when cutting the pieces.

The clay was very wet and I had to set it out all night to get it to harden up, which it did, maybe a little to much but it was better then a group of frustrated students because their pieces flopping and not staying up.

It took us at least 3 days to complete this project, once students were done they were to fill out their exit slip, which is just a simple question.

"What was your favorite part of this project?" or "Name one thing you learned from this project."

Now the slices are painted and ready to display.

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