Monday, September 10, 2012

Dip, Double Dip and No Scooping

You would think I am talking about ice cream, but I am not just paint. As students reviewed the color wheel we also reviewed how to apply paint to the brush and how to wash paint off. After repeating my self over and over and over, I decided I would make my own videos and pictures of me doing it correctly and incorrectly. I used this method of videoing myself for my procedures and the kids just love watching them.  They think it is hilarious to watch me act like a fool. Here are a few pictures I will be using next year while I talk and teach about these paint procedures.
Paint brush straight into the paint.

Bring paintbrush straight up out of paint.

Double dipping is great if you remember to dip straight into the paint. NO Scooping!!

Paintbrush is in the wrong position, remember to keep it straight up and down.

Oh, No! The plate is getting painted, we want to paint the paper not the plate!

Paint should not be smeared all over the plate.

This is how your paint should look like if you painted the paper.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks SO much for taking these paintbrush photos and posting them. I am adding them to my art technique pinboard.

    Rina at
