Friday, August 24, 2012

The end of week one

My throat and feet hurt, which means it must of been a good first week of school. I hate to say but even the first week of art consist of rules and procedures but it always creates a smooth year. I don't like to answer the questions, "when are we doing art?" with "not today, Honey, we have to go over important information." Even with a few days of no A/C (not fun in a Florida classroom in the middle of summer) the kids did great and listened to all my important information. But they know if they don't respect my procedures and directions they will loose their art privileges.  This week we....
Listen to Mrs. Lawson introduce herself, go over the ART RULES, give us a tour of the classroom and show us anything that changed from last year.

I have PowerPoints for each of these and I run through them and make sure we understand all the information.

Find our seat in the art room by picking our own or getting it assigned. Only kinders get a random assigned seat by passing out a note card with a number and color. First through Third grades get to pick their own.

Learn our attention getting sounds. The bike horn or bell. I alternate and use which ever one I feel will work better. I also have a harmonica for 1st and 2nd grade who have special procedures for their regular class teacher.

Today I am preparing for next week and what materials I will need to have on hand.

Last year the art room was dedicated to our past art teacher who taught her for 20 or plus years. She was my art teacher when I attended Hillcrest and was the reason I wanted to be an art teacher. The plaque now hangs in my room.

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