Friday, April 9, 2010

My 2nd and 3rd graders were both working on giraffes so I to take the same drawing but tweak it to make a different project. So for 2nd grade we drew the giraffe then flipped the paper over and used white, yellow and brown to paint the base color of the giraffe. The students learend an important lesson on how to dip the paint brush without mixing the colors together. Always dip the paint brush straight down into the color and you won't mix the colors. After the paper driede we flipped it back over and cut out the giraffe from the drawing side. After the giraffe was cut out we added detail to the giraffe using oil pastels.

The details took at least 2 classes because we had to outline the face, add the face details, color in the eye, draw, color in and outline the giraffe's pattern. After the giraffe was completed we moved on to the background. We took blue construction paper and painted a tree using the whole paper. This step took 2 classes since paint need to dry. The last step was too glue the giraffe over the tree and add a little color to the tree using Qtips. Finally we were done and the kids were glad to have a finished product after 7 weeks!

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