Friday, April 9, 2010

Brazil's Poisonous Dart Frog

The country Hillcrest is studying now is Brazil. After a little discussion with the media specialist we decided to focus on the rainforest of Brazil. After some research I picked out the poisonous dart frog for my little kindergardeners' to draw and paint. I know the scenery of our dart frog is not excatly the rainforest but the kids love adding the fly and learning about cattails. I lead the students through a step by step direction of drawing the frog, lily pad, water, and cattails. Then we used a pink oil pastel to color the tongue and a white to add the clouds. The clouds were tricky because white on white does not show you where you add the clouds, so we had to use our imaginery skills to see the clouds. The next class we painted the picture, which was tricky since the frog, water and sky were going to be blue. Some of my kinders used watercolors and some used cake watercolors. Mainly becuase we ran out of blue watercolor and then our cake watercolors ran out of blue. So I am going to have to be creative with my last kinder class. We did discuss why we called cake watercolors, cake and how they are different from the bottle watercolors. I have had a couple of kinders come up to me and tell me they drew their frog at home, which is always wonderful that they were able to take that skill home and redo it and that they wanted too. \

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