Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Artroom Tricks and Tips

I am constantly evaluating my procedures and routines each day, week, month and especially each year. With winter break just completed, I have new ideas and procedures I want to put in place or I want to share on a few that have worked well with me. 

Art Fundraiser Organization
I have to hold on to art to use for our fall Art To Remember fundraiser and annual spring art show with Artome. This can be hard with little space, a lot of paper and ways to keep it organized to use. This year I laminated 18 x 24 sheets of construction paper one for each class (all the same color) and 1-12 x 18 sheet (all one color, but different than the 18 x 24). Before laminating I made a 2x4 sticker with the name of what fundraiser it is for, Artome or AtR, teacher's name or a line for the name, and grade. This was placed in the bottom right corner. Once laminated I folded each one into a book. I place the completed artwork in their to keep organized until I need for the projects. I also keep an excel spreadsheet with each class's teacher name, the student's name, title of artwork and grade. I use the spreadsheet to print labels for the Artome art show. 

Artome and Art to Remember artwork is organized and ready to use. 
Artsonia Upload Station:
This one I found on Pinterest and it has really helped me and my older student's stay on task with uploading our art. The white 3 fold board has the QR code stapled to it to scan when the students are ready to upload their art. Next to the board is a file folder, this hold the ipad, and artwork that has been graded but students have not uploaded. I can easily grab and them and call out names of those who need to upload it. Directly below (you can't see) is where the student's portfolios are housed. Once they upload they go directly into their portfolio for safe keeping, until the end of the year. 

Art Critique and Rubrics:
The middle school art teacher in our Charter System is a friend of mine and I wanted to know what my up and coming 5th graders needed to be ready for when they came to her. She mentioned using rubrics to grade. I worked hard over the summer creating a rubric to use for each project, only changing the items they needed to include in the project. Once I copy them I put them in this file folder (I found at our local Care Center) and they turn them into another of the slots. My ceramics also have critiques they must fill out after completing a project. Their critique's are held in this file folder also and they will turn in theirs here too. 

"I Can" Statements and Calendars:
The pocket holders I bought from Oriental Trading (I believe) have worked great holding information for my students to view. They always walk in asking, "what are we doing today?" Well after hearing this question several times, I start to get frustrated. I had to think of a way to make it their responsibility to find out what is on the agenda. The two calendars are for my older students, ceramics major and visual arts major. Above the ceramics is their "I can..." statements since I don't hang their example. They can walk over and see the projects for the month. It helps keep us both on track and cuts down on the question everyone wants to know. 

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