Thursday, December 17, 2015

Winter Performance


We have completed another Winter Performance for our school and I believe its was one of the best. Each year we are able to tweak for the next performance and put in more dress rehearsals. This year our awesome fourth and fifth grade teachers were able to assist with managing the students who were waiting to preform. This helped us out and allowed the students to get some work done and not miss a day and half of class time. Thanks 4th and 5th grade teachers!

Since visual arts is not a performing art my colleagues and I have worked around this. I get to interview a few of my students and display a piece of their art. I allow my students to volunteer for this event since they must attend a night show for parents. I create a list of very general questions for the students to answer about their art. Then I type their responses up, with a few revisions made by me. We practice the process of walking up the stage, displaying the art, talking in the microphone and reading the questions and their answers. A few are nervous but after the first practice round they settle down and always do a great job.

Last year we began to display the art being interviewed about and a few other pieces. It was great but I felt it didn't bring enough attention to my students art. With the help of our awesome volunteers, music teacher, dance teacher and drums teacher we came up with a beautiful display. Another issue, I would always have was the display would fall with the tiniest bit of wind. We were able to move it into the hallway this year, which helped prevent this and I think it drew a perfect amount of attention to the art. It was right where students and their parents would enter to go into the cafeteria for the performance.  

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