Tuesday, December 8, 2015

2nd Grade Paint Along with the Art Teacher

After I completed the third grade's Paint Along with the Art Teacher, the kids began to hear and notice what the fundraising activity was about. I began the processes of picking and creating the reindeer 2nd grade would paint. I use Pinterest and look a quite a few examples to try to create my own version. This is our whimsical reindeer I came up with.

Before our painting date, I sent letters home for students to sign up, made a short video for 2nd grade teachers to play that explained what they could have the opportunity to do and displayed the reindeer example. I then placed the example in the library's display window, with a poster and dates displayed. 

The day after the letter went home, I had almost both dates booked! Within three days I only had one spot open. I take the letters and place a date and time, because its first come first serve since I have a limited numbers of easels. I had one student more for each class but they knew they would have to paint on the table and not on an easel since they were the last to sign up. 

After the owl painting, I did learn to have a few blow dryers on hand to speed up the process. We only had an hour and half to compete the painting beginning to end and clean up our mess. The blow dryers helped tremendously especially since the background was a dark green. 

Here are a few pictures of our budding artist hard at work.

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