Sunday, February 14, 2010

A New Beginning..

I have been an elementary teacher for almost 5 years. After the winter holidays I went from 2nd grade teacher to art teacher. My dream as a child was to be an elementary art teacher. I just loved my elementary art teacher and was always involved in some type of art lessons. But as I got older and realized there is only one art teacher per school my dream seemed a little unrealistic. After being gone from my hometown for a couple of years I returned to my elementary school and taught alongside the art teacher that inspired me. After a year of teaching at the same school with her she left our school to start a new adventure herself. After a few other art teachers came and left our school I finally voiced my love of art and dream of being the art teacher to our principal. With a lot of support from our administration I signed up to take the art certificaiton test K-12, giving myself 3 weeks to study. After tireless hours of googling pictures of art and studying flashcards I took the test and......PASSED!!! With tears in my eyes I was so happy to be able to take the job I was born to do. I was eased into the art job by teaching continuing to teach my 2nd graders in the morning and then teaching the art majors class every afternoon. After many long days of moving from classroom to classroom, I finally broke down and begged my principal to move me to art full time. I could no longer be half a 2nd grade teacher and half art. Once we entered the new year we found a replacement and I was able to jump right in. I have been the art teacher for 3 weeks now and I love it. It is a joy to teach kindergarden, first, second, and third. I love the different personalities and creativeness. I look forward to planning the activities week to week and seeing how they turn out. Stay tuned to see some of our projects!

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