Thursday, February 25, 2010

My new but old art room

The room was a small mess when I arrived. It took about 2 days work to get it organized how I wanted it and get my stuff in. My wonderful husband was the muscles of this operation. He gladly helped me move my boxes from my 2nd grade classroom to the art room. I know he was happy to get some of the teacher boxes from the house, since I had triple the storage in the art room. It is always a work in progress. I find new ways to organize daily. I am one of those freaks who get high off finding a way to organize things. I know the walls are white and nothing is on the walls, but bare with me I am just surving this year. The decoration of the art room will begin over the summer. I am really excited to get it jazzed up for all the little artist next August. Here is what I have so far. Enjoy!

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