Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Art Therapy for Teachers

After the first few Paint Along with the Art Teacher, I had many teachers wanting to participate themselves. With the great response from the teachers of our kids painting class, I decided the teachers need to have some art therapy too. We have one class I am going to hold here after school and then I am hosting the other one at my house under our barn. This allow the teachers with different schedules to participate when they have the time and child care.

I have had a picture in my head of birch trees and had a hard time searching Pinterest for the perfect example for me to use. I also wanted to make sure the teachers, like my students, would not feel like the finished product would be to difficult to complete. I am not an artist, by any means, but I am an art teacher, which means I am good a taking something and breaking it down for most to understand. I know if I can't paint it myself, then how could I expect to teach someone how to paint it.

Anyways I finally came up with the perfect birch tree scene but after using the yellow-orange for the sky I wasn't too fond of it. With a little brainstorming with my other arts teachers, they helped me to decided for the teachers to either use warm or cool colors for the sky. This will allow those with some experience and creativeness to take their own spin but keeping it direct for those who want the direct directions.

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