Saturday, January 2, 2016

365 days of Creativeness

Creativeness can be very different for me from day to day, month to month or year to year. I expressed my creativeness with baking, cooking, gardening, sewing, drawing or painting. Depending on my life stage, my time and kids. Kids have really changed the way I express myself and finding the time.

I used to bake and cook, every weekend. I would make all items from scratch, now I am all for "doctoring" a good box cake. I know one day I will get back to cupcakes, sugar cookies, cakes and cheesecakes.

My sewing in 2015 was sewing a hem on canvas squares for my ceramics class. Sitting for hours sewing, is not how I am willing to spend my extra time. I would rather be with my kids.

One day they will not care that I am sitting at a sewing machine for hours.

My garden in 2015 were a few herbs because I just don't have the time to maintain a big garden.

One day I will get back there.

One of 2016 goals were to paint or work in my visual journal everyday. Now I am not going to lie, I am one who will sit and complete a few small pieces one night and then not do any the next. I drew a few in my sketchbook for the nights I just have the energy or time to paint. Not only am I working in my sketchbooks, I have almost completed a Bible Journal for my daughter and son that I highlighted important verses, gave good and bad advice and guidance, and drew a few small illustrations to go with some of the verses. Between those three sketchbooks and journals I think I will be able to keep up with my goal.

Day 1 of 365 Days of Painting and Journaling

Day 2 of 365 Days of Painting and Journaling 

I am thinking if I paint nature and food it will fill the void of missing my baking and gardening. 

Check out my Instagram account to see my journey of sketching, painting, journaling, and trying to keep up with it all. 

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