Monday, August 19, 2013

New Ceramics Class

I choose to add a ceramics class to our Art Majors for the fourth and fifth graders. Time is precious and I just don't have enough time during my first, second and third grade classes. I end up do about 75% of the clay projects myself. It is very tiring.

This year we have one class specifically working with clay. We have a full class of 27 students.

We watch videos of me demonstrating the skill or videos I have found on You Tube demonstrating the basic technique.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday my 2nd graders walk out as my ceramics walk in. Ceramics is then followed by my visual art major class. Time management is the key!

My time needs to be split between preparing the materials for student, teaching the lesson and students working. It can be difficult at times.

The first week we learned and practiced cutting a slab of clay, rolling the clay and scoring. We used play dough to practice some of these techniques.

The 2nd week students created a pinch pot and we will be painting them at the end of this week.

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