Thursday, September 8, 2011

Organizing My Mess

I notice some other art bloggers, blogged about how they organize their art lessons. I am an organizing freak, so I love to read how they get them selves sorted out. I thought I would share my methods.

Art Plan Book:
I created a spread of two sheets on Microsoft Office to fit my odd schedule. I printed them, whole punched and sorted by month. I can easily flip to the month we are in or what I have an idea for. I usually write a small note of the name of the activity and where the idea came from. Sometimes I forget where I get the idea from. If it is not permant I use a small sticky note to write it on and place it in the square.

Also inside the binder is a school calendar and a planner to write other non-school dates in along with school dates.

To keep my daily classes sorted I have a file holder on my table with duotang folders for each day. Inside are page protectors the hold my daily schedule, each class for the day and class list. I write in pencil who sits where, just in case I need to move them. Also any notes for a sub to know, for instance, students who always have permission to use the restroom, students who need  extra help, students who they need to keep an eye on and which door to line them up at.

I know others have inspired me to oraganize myself better, I hope I can do the same for you!

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